Fitness Classes

(Cardio + Strength)
Get your daily fitness HIIT with our signature class! An intense half hour comprised of mainly bodyweight exercises and cardio, this class is a total body workout. Encouraged to push each move to your maximum effort, you should feel well worked by the end of this half hour class.
(Cardio + Strength)
The ultimate circuit training class! Incorporating sandbags, slam balls, weights, kettlebells, and more, we will target all muscle groups for a full body training session! Build muscle strength and endurance alongside cardio in the hardest of all the HIIT Fitness classes.

(Arms, Back, Chest, Abs)
Is upper body your weakness? Look no further! Using both bodyweight and resistance bands, this class focuses on the triceps, biceps, shoulders, chest and back, along with some serious core moves to get your upper body stronger! Bits of core focused cardio are sprinkled in to keep those calories burning.

(Abdominal core + cardio)
Chisel your abs with this high intensity ab burnout class. A combination of cardio and sculpting ab moves will have your core stronger and six pack ready in no time!

(Butt + Abs)
A class that focuses on the two most tone-desired areas. Using bodyweight, bands and sometimes sandbags, this class will help strengthen and tone your glutes and core, two of the most important areas for overall body balance.

(Cardio + Strength)
Punch and kick your way to a lean/mean new you! A full half hour of butt-kicking kickboxing cardio that will have you thankful it's not an hour long!